Pores | How To Shrink Pores | How To Get Rid Of Pores


About one year ago we released the how to stop acne articles, now still to this day I honestly can't believe how well it's done the amount love it's had, the number of visitors it's had, nearly 1 million thank you! Now by far one of the most common comments on that article was about pores and more specifically how to shrink them.

So we decided let's write a full article on this topic let's begin ok so why do we get enlarged pores well we all have pores but enlarged pores are depressions in the facial skin that carry things like oil that carry sweat from their respective glands so it's completely normal and enlarged pores can be seen in all ages and all ethnicities however certain ethnicities do tend to have larger pores for instance those of African and those of Indian ancestry the background has done now let's see how we can shrink these pores.

Tip number one as we age our skin becomes less elastic and that's a normal process of aging and there's not actually much we can do about that but sun damage can also cause ageing of the skin and it can lead to enlarged pores now. If you live in INDIA or you live in a country with a similar climate you probably only see the sun once or twice a year the rest of the year is always different and I said that with such a serious face but in the reality, we do see the sun but it is cloudy a lot at a time and you might think to yourself well it's always cloudy I don't even see the Sun I'm not gonna get some damage but that's where you're wrong because these UV rays can still penetrate and it can still damage the skin so if you haven't figured it out yet tip one is all about using a good sunscreen every single day that protects you against both UVA and UVB radiation now if you're thinking to yourself but Abraham which sunscreen do I buy just tell me well the good news is I writing a article on this not long ago I'll leave a link up here and in the below on how to buy the best sunscreen  what ingredients to look out in sunscreen and everything you need to know so if you feel like you need more information on this topic feel free to read it at the end of this article. Which leads me on to.

Tip number two have you ever heard of sebum well if you haven't you're not missing out on much so don't worry but it's basically the oil that we secrete from our face and scalp from our sebaceous glands now here's the thing increased sebum can lead to enlarged pores now sebum production depends on many things like age it depends on gender and even weights now a lot of these, you can't really do anything about but there have been reports that if you are overweight and if you lose weight it can help reduce sebum production and help reduce the appearance of enlarged pores.

Tip number three non-comedogenic skincare products which is basically a fancy word for products that aren't going to clog your pores because when your pores clog they expand and it can make them appear much larger so to avoid clogged pores look for any of the following terms on skincare products that you use on your face and if you don't see them then avoid using which moves me on to.

Tip number four acne I'm afraid it is associated with enlarged pore so what we need to do is keep it under control with the correct care and treatment to avoid it from becoming inflammatory and enlarging those pores now if you haven't seen my how to treat acne article I will leave a link up here and in the below for you so feel free to read it but please remember that if the tips aren't helping your acne is getting worse and you are in distress then please always speak to your doctor.

Tip number five don't leave it to remember as we age generally speaking pores are going to get bigger so if you see no improvements and it's not getting any better than always beat your doctor first make them aware of this they may prescribe you some treatments because there are treatments available that can help some of them can even reduce sebum production that we spoke about earlier I really hope my tips help you in this week's article and if you have any of your own tips then please share it with us leave a comment below I'd love to read it and I'm sure everyone reading this article would love to read it as well always remember you're awesome and I'll see you next article that won't clog your pores because when your clogs pore? so tip number one and it can make your pores expire.

Guys thanks for reading this article.

Good Bye


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